Roland, Oklahoma Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Roland, OK for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

2715 properties found in Roland, OK Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at SpamRoom Address Directory.

Street starts with:

25 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
1084 RD 4 10
1085 RD 8 22
1086 RD 3 11
1088 RD 2 5
1090 RD 23 40
1091 RD 4 10
1093 RD 4 10
1094 RD 8 16
1095 RD 16 28
1100 RD 31 65
4761 RD 2 8
4762 RD 7 15
4763 RD 5 8
4767 RD 20 46
4768 RD 11 26
4769 RD 2 4
4770 RD 34 69
4774 3 4
4776 RD 3 3
4779 RD 4 4
4780 RD 12 25
4781 RD 3 3
4792 RD 10 14
4799 3 5
4800 5 16
Street starts with: