Kent, Washington Street Address Records

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The 100 most populated streets in Kent, WA

Street Properties Residents
35TH PL 236 1,891
43RD AVE 205 765
43RD PL 180 527
45TH PL 181 1,253
68TH AVE 178 753
100TH AVE 200 1,522
100TH PL 203 1,274
102ND PL 253 1,088
104TH AVE 344 2,876
104TH PL 228 1,555
105TH PL 187 718
106TH PL 202 1,420
108TH AVE 357 2,435
108TH PL 238 1,734
109TH PL 206 2,315
110TH TER 205 1,474
111TH WAY 201 1,167
113TH PL 202 1,266
114TH WAY 201 756
115TH PL 178 717
116TH AVE 216 1,936
116TH PL 191 1,142
117TH PL 244 841
118TH WAY 209 569
119TH PL 262 956
120TH AVE 181 817
120TH PL 248 983
121ST WAY 187 593
122ND PL 226 945
123RD PL 182 696
124TH AVE 216 893
125TH PL 188 682
126TH PL 267 1,072
127TH PL 213 830
128TH PL 222 1,045
129TH PL 365 1,548
130TH AVE 207 926
130TH PL 223 771
131ST PL 181 804
132ND AVE 181 2,099
132ND PL 180 1,144
144TH PL 198 803
188TH AVE 199 923
188TH ST 187 506
200TH ST 278 1,601
201ST ST 199 762
204TH ST 196 877
208TH ST 189 4,161
212TH ST 305 1,208
214TH WAY 175 421
216TH ST 252 999
217TH ST 186 723
218TH PL 184 662
218TH ST 201 610
220TH ST 255 730
224TH ST 229 964
225TH ST 219 878
226TH ST 192 788
228TH ST 258 1,048
231ST ST 182 665
232ND ST 300 1,237
233RD ST 248 1,058
234TH ST 257 963
235TH ST 176 1,695
236TH PL 180 1,199
236TH ST 233 1,012
237TH PL 212 870
237TH ST 252 1,432
240TH ST 313 3,134
244TH ST 177 911
248TH ST 212 3,298
251ST ST 324 2,261
252ND PL 198 1,263
252ND ST 283 2,016
253RD ST 197 1,162
254TH ST 244 1,129
256TH PL 186 1,038
256TH ST 394 3,653
257TH ST 200 1,155
258TH ST 228 1,504
259TH ST 357 2,011
260TH ST 410 2,487
261ST ST 412 1,810
262ND PL 198 844
262ND ST 370 1,401
263RD ST 317 1,303
264TH ST 318 1,632
265TH ST 211 933
266TH ST 298 1,301
267TH ST 225 834
268TH ST 383 1,834
269TH ST 221 1,162
270TH ST 262 999
272ND ST 483 7,868
275TH WAY 197 539
277TH ST 188 583
CENTRAL AVE 219 2,714
PACIFIC HWY 228 1,291
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