Curry, Idaho Street Address Records

Review all property records on any street in Curry, ID for a description of their property type, lot size, incident histories and address details including a list of residents with phone numbers.

3211 properties found in Curry, ID Learn more about real estate prices, residents and much more at SpamRoom Address Directory.

Street starts with:

67 streets starting with 1..9 found

Street Properties Residents
5TH ST 97 395
6TH ST 100 344
7TH ST 6 23
1850 3 10
1900 35 122
2000 55 246
2037 4 10
2070 3 3
2080 1 3
2100 66 309
2150 4 21
2157 1 3
2185 3 8
2200 56 257
2250 40 175
2300 79 350
2381 8 15
2384 1 9
2400 20 71
2420 11 24
2430 14 56
2445 16 67
2450 8 36
2456 2 5
2469 2 3
2476 5 9
2481 12 46
2500 46 197
2510 3 12
2575 2 5
2600 16 71
3400 2 3
3475 8 21
3500 47 215
3550 29 105
3600 17 60
3700 47 199
3735 3 6
3770 2 4
3775 10 35
3776 2 3
3800 64 221
3805 3 7
3819 5 6
3830 7 19
3835 7 26
3840 6 35
3845 14 48
3856 8 22
3870 6 15
3885 6 25
3895 2 8
3900 30 119
3950 41 289
3970 1 5
3976 1 5
4000 94 494
4100 42 211
4128 4 13
4150 3 6
4195 3 6
4200 37 178
4264 8 24
4275 2 3
4300 49 255
4350 4 13
4400 22 68
Street starts with: